AJ Wentz writes speculative poetry and prose. Her work has appeared in Fantasy Magazine, Strange Libations, Eye to the Telescope, and elsewhere. She lives in Arkansas with her husband, cat, and more books than their house can reasonably hold.

· “Neon Lights Overpower the Stars”

Quarter(ly) Vol. IX: In the Dark, Print (Spring 2024) [poetry]

· “The Void Wyrm’s Guide to Devouring Stars”

Lightspeed, Issue 161 (October 2023) [prose]

· “multiverse…”

Dream & Nightmares, Issue 122 (September 2022)(nominated for Dwarf Stars) [poetry]

· “Self-Inflicted Haunt”

Fantasy Magazine, Issue 81 (July 2022) [poetry]

· “Will-o’-Wisps Convergently Evolved in the Sea”

Eye to the Telescope, Issue 43 (2022) (Nominated for Best of the Net) [poetry]

See full bibliography here.

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